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As Trevor Story Returns To Coors Field For First Time Since Signing With Red Sox, Injury-riddled Shortstop Remains Confident He Can Regain Old Form

As Trevor Story returns to Coors Field for first time since signing with Red Sox, injury-riddled shortstop remains confident he can regain old form

Trevor Story is still waiting to show the Red Sox who he really is.

The former Rockies All-Star and Silver Slugger made his first trip back to Coors Field on Monday since he signed a six-year, $140 million contract with Boston ahead of the 2022 season.

In the time since that mega-deal, Story’s been injury-riddled: He played only 94 games in 2022 due to hand and foot issues. Then, Tommy John surgery limited him to 43 games last year. And this season, another blow: Left shoulder surgery after Story hurt himself diving for a ball in the eighth game of the season.

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